The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges the effectiveness of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in treating over 43 common disorders. TCM practitioners, like Dr. Wei, are trained to address a wide range of health issues, similar to general care practitioners.
A foundational principle of TCM is the interconnection of all body parts and conditions, emphasizing the balance of yin and yang. This balance represents the dual aspects of health; any disease or symptom often arises from a disharmony between these two forces. TCM seeks to restore health by re-establishing this balance, highlighting the significance of qi (the body’s free-flowing energy) and blood circulation.
Acupuncture plays a crucial role in maintaining this harmony by addressing stagnation in qi and blood flow, thus alleviating blockages and pain. This holistic approach promotes overall well-being and is particularly effective in treating various ailments.
For further insights on TCM and acupuncture, you can explore the WHO’s resources on traditional medicine and other studies supporting TCM practices. More information can be found on the WHO website and related health journals.